Talks – phpDay 2013 The international PHP Conference Mon, 20 May 2013 11:47:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Taking advantage of the ZF2 modular architecture Thu, 16 May 2013 22:06:27 +0000 Zend Framework 1 had modules. Their name is pretty much everything Zend Framework 2 modules share with them, though. The whole framework architecture has been rewritten to encourage software reuse and extension. In this talk I’ll share our experiences on ZF2 module creation and usage.

Grab yourself an alibi Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:33:29 +0000 A software development team may face many problems, many problems each week, each day, hour by hour. Developers blame on managers. Managers blame on coders. Both blame on UX designers. UX designers blame on customers. Customers blame on account managers. Account managers on agile coaches. Agile coaches on DBAs. DBAs on human resources and all of them blame on final users.

OK, enough of that: best players are those who don’t wait for things to be perfect in order to succeed. Those who can cope with the absence of perfection are those who can truly make things better.

LAMP scaling 101 Sat, 06 Apr 2013 07:47:13 +0000 The basics of scaling a LAMP app beyond a single-server setup, and the issues that come from no longer having everything at arms’ reach.

This will touch on:
– scaling static traffic (css/js/imgs)
– scaling app traffic (php)
– scaling databases (replication, clusters, sharding, …)
– scaling storage (s3, etc)

and other topics like job queues, “wenching” (grouping similar requests for data from unrelated pieces of code via promises), etc

The talk is meant for anyone hitting the limits of their single server (VPS or similar) and facing the challenge of scaling up from that.

From dev to ops and beyond – Getting it done Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:58:33 +0000 Launching a product on the web some years ago was a massive, long awaited moment you could spend years working to towards. Nowadays you heard the term MVP (minimum viable product) a lot more than “Version 1.0”. Agile is winning over the web and “shipping it once” is not something people get all that excited about any more.

The question is not “When to we ship” but “how often do we ship” and “what do we ship”. Our ability as developers to continuously roll out changes at a sustained pace changed the game we are playing in web development.

This talk aims to give an overview over the progression of developers into the current age of “getting stuff out of the door so that we ether make money or realize it’s not a good idea (yet)”.
What tools, processes, roles… people do we need in our teams. What mindset helps or hinders us?

Getting the code written once is easy, getting it changed is a little hard but constantly going through the whole cycle of truing ideas into usable product features is the real challenge nowadays. It’s hard because it involve people, business, developers, operators, designers and customers. The nice thing about it is that involves people and if you get a well oiled machine running you can get stuff done really fast.

We are going to look at this machine from a developers point of view and discuss where we come in, which part we play and where we should act as supporting cast. We are going to discuss processes and tools for continuous deployment involving business and operations to see how we can help creating amazing products by working together on: “getting it done”.

Writing infinite scalability web applications with PHP and PostgreSQL Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:56:26 +0000 PostgreSQL 9.2 introduced native support for the JSON data type, as well as V8/Javascript and Coffeescript procedural languages.
Learn how you can write web applications in PHP using an intelligent and horizontally sharded cluster of PostgreSQL databases, bringing you infinite scalability and parallel processing.
This talk will guide you through the development lifecycle of the application, focusing on architecture, technologies, testing and deployment.

Better mock objects with FBMock Wed, 03 Apr 2013 06:39:40 +0000 FBMock is a new open-source PHP mocking framework which eschews the traditional expectation verification pattern seen in other frameworks such as PHPUnit. This leads to simpler tests and makes it easier for beginners to learn In the last year, FBMock has helped fuel rapid adoption of unit testing within Facebook. In the last year, Facebook engineers have written almost 1,200 tests using FBMock dramatically increasing test reliability and performance.

Windows Azure: what’s hot! Mon, 25 Mar 2013 16:57:34 +0000 Open. Flexible. Rock Solid. If you want to use PHP, Linux and if you want to use all the goodness of OSS, come and discover how to leverage them using the new Windows Azure services!

Zend Framework 2 and Symfony2: The perfect team Wed, 13 Mar 2013 07:39:59 +0000 The next generation of frameworks is upon us, and now that they’re more decoupled and component-based than ever before and use the same standard for naming and autoloading, there is no reason to stick to a single framework for your projects. During this session, we will go through several ways of combining Zend Framework 2 and Symfony2, so that you walk away being able to focus even more on on writing the complex custom logic your project needs, and don’t have to worry about the rest.

Zend Framework 2 for a Symfony2 user Wed, 13 Mar 2013 07:36:59 +0000 In this presentation I’d like to compare two of the most used 2nd generation PHP framework, Symfony2 & ZF2, trying to highlight differences and similarities.

The comparison will be made from a Symfony2 user point of view (that’s me :-P), having in mind some concepts like dependency injection, services and so on.

This talk is an extended, english version of “”Zend Framework 2 per chi viene da Symfony2″” I gave at zfday (

Symfony and eZ Publish Wed, 13 Mar 2013 07:34:49 +0000 Version 5 of eZ Publish is now running on Symfony 2 full stack.
This talk will recount a fantastic journey, how the heart of a legacy content management engine was reworked, re-architectured, and injected into a Symfony 2 powered HMVC architecture.
You will learn how two large technologies merged, what the pitfalls were, how they were overcome, and how two large developer communities touched base and look ahead together.
